How To Be More Confident In A Relationship For Guys

How To Be More Confident In A Relationship For Guys

 It is not new that guys don’t always act confident at the beginning of their relationship, especially when it’s their first relationship, or if the guy is a shy person. Often, when a guy is in a relationship with a lady of higher class or height, or IQ, he may lose confidence and be quiet in the relationship.

You have to be confident so your girlfriend can see you as one who is confident, and she can lean on you (literally) without any fear that you’d shake and let her fall. You can always listen to your girlfriend even as a confident person. You can always be kind to her even as a confident person.

The confidence here is not being a control freak or needing to massage your ego. Here is how you can be confident in your relationship as a guy;

1. Be Free With Yourself

Girls don’t want a too-tight boyfriend. You should be open and relaxed around her. You can touch her hair, play with her, hold hands… Just be natural. Don’t let nervousness take over you in your relationship.

Nervousness does not make a relationship active. Learn to interact with her, talk about yourselves, and be accommodating.

2. Encourage Her To Be Herself

Don’t discourage her from being herself just because you don’t seem to be able to control her. You don’t need to control her. Just as you’re being natural, she should be natural around you.

Let her be free with her friends, let her use her phone and chat with friends and business partners. Give her some space without feeling bad about yourself. That is how to increase confidence in your relationship and this equally proves that there are love and trust in your relationship.

3. Avoid Analysing So Much

Let go of the urge to always try to analyze everything she says or does. It will weaken you emotionally. It can make you lose your self-confidence when she calls another guy cute and you keep wondering why she had to say it, or you try to get back at her.

It’s totally unnecessary. To be confident in your relationship means you are positive about your girlfriend, and your relationship altogether.

4. Be Emotionally Healthy

What this means is that you should drop any emotional baggage or terrible feelings of yourself. Be good with your emotions, and fulfill all your emotional needs together by letting him or her know what you really need at a particular time. This will help keep your relationship healthy.

Having a terrible feeling of yourself will make you feel bad about everything that concerns you, including your relationship- which is not good. Be joyful inside, and this will visualize outside, thereby giving you strong confidence.

5. Be Certain Of Your Actions

You have to recheck whatever you want to do so that you can act sure and confident when you follow it. Don’t be the confused type. Your woman wants you to be sure about your actions, and what you say so that she can trust your words and actions.

Self-confidence is a very important aspect of one’s self, as this helps in every area of one’s life. Without self-confidence, you may not be able to pursue a dream you have or take up that plan you have in mind. These steps will help in increasing your self-confidence.


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