How To Improve Confidence In A Relationship

 How To Improve Confidence In A Relationship

How to increase confidence! In whatever you do, you need self-confidence. In whichever activity you choose to go into, you need to be self-confident, as it enables you to speak well and to act boldly.

How To Increase Confidence

1. Work On Yourself To Kill Low Self-Esteem

Having low self-esteem really kills your self-confidence faster than anything. And this is not good for you. Low self-esteem will cause you to seek validation from people, and seeking validation from people simply means that you are not confident in yourself. To kill this low self-esteem, you should;

• Read self-help books

• Stand in front of the mirror and appreciate yourself

• Celebrate your little wins

• Smile at your fails and tell yourself you can do better

• Don’t compare yourself to others!

Of course, we’re not gonna pretend there are no fails or bad moments. But, let them not be the things that occupy your mind most of the time. You have to focus on the positive side of yourself.

2. Feel Good With Yourself

To achieve self-confidence, you have to feel good about yourself first. You should realize that no matter how bad you feel you look, there’s always something about you that people love still. There are things you love about yourself; you have to focus on the beautiful parts of yourself more- than on the poor sides.

Feel good with yourself. Understand that no one knows what goes on in your mind and that your assumptions about people’s thoughts of you can only be based on how you carry yourself at that moment.

Meaning that if you’re feeling smug and lowly, you are likely to think that everyone you walk past thinks low of you. But, when you feel good with yourself, not looking down on yourself but carrying yourself with poise, you’d realize that everyone is going about his business.

And if anyone is actually whispering, it won’t bother you. You have better things to handle than to get bothered with what anyone says about you. What people say about you doesn’t define you. So, why care?

Self-confidence even in games, your opponent would think you’ve been in the game for years even though you’ve only begun playing it of late. Confidence at work makes you feel in charge. Of course, you’re in charge of your actions and how you feel.

You have to feel right with yourself if you expect people to listen to you and follow you. Feeling good with yourself is how to increase confidence.

3. Be Positive-Minded

In other, for you to boost your self-confidence, you must think positively of yourself. It is better you focus more on the positive things in your life. Think of your growth and the times you won. This is how to increase confidence.

When you have a positive mindset, you will be able to handle a podium in front of a crowd and give your best without shrinking. Sometimes shyness comes because there’s no self-confidence. No self-motivation whatsoever.

You don’t necessarily have to be so social to be self-confident. You should be yourself. Be natural. And be positive-minded. Be certain of your plans and steps. One who is always showing fear is not a confident person.

Shaking when you’re told to stand in the midst of your mates to talk about something they should know, or calling in sick at work when it’s your turn to supervise the other workers, is not how to increase confidence. You need the self-confidence to enable others to stay put and listen to you.

4. Workout Often

This really helps in reducing stress and anxiety. It enables you to be relaxed and fit, which goes a long way in improving your self-confidence. This is how to increase confidence.

5. Be The Best Of Yourself To Your Partner And Others

Being the best of yourself means you’re sweet, positive-minded, affectionate, and cool.

You don’t need to be a loud person. You just have to be that person anyone can socialize with. People have to know you a little- to be able to listen to you.

Be the best of yourself; not timid in the midst of your peers, and not having low self-esteem.

People don’t have to be nudging you all the time to speak up, to be yourself. Don’t give your partner the burden of having to ask you all the time if ‘everything is ok? Being the best of yourself is how to increase confidence.


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